Page name: Redfisted Titans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-10 22:04:33
Last author: Dark Shiva
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 5
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This teen titan rp has been renewed and is now called Teen Titans: RedFist Invasion Those that still wish to join please go there ^_^

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2007-03-17 [Piercedskull]: squee

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: Like the plot?

2007-03-17 [Piercedskull]: yeah!

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: YAY! Now make your char X3

2007-03-17 [Piercedskull]: <3

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: Oh! You can add your char to the chap sheet page now ^^'

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: Hey Shiva, do my poll ^_^

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: You should have "no, not even when I try to..." as one of your answers LOL! X3

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: Haha... very funneh :P

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: ^_^ OR this "No *Chubs silent's cheecks* How could I forgot a face like that ^.^"

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: Lol, *rubs cheek* That hurt lol

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: ^______________________^

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: *grinns*

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: *Hugs*

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: *hgus back*

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: ^^

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: teen titans rp huh?

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: *Nod nod* Yeah. Did you read the plot?

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: not yet...i'll do that now.

2007-03-17 [silent_voice]: lol

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: hmmm...can i make a tamarainain?(sp?) starfire's brother? or sumthin?

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: TT_TT I hate it when ppl want to join but don't read everything ><

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: i just read it ok?!

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: did you read the rules? X3

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: And no makin' Relitives of the titans T_T And if you do make a char don't expect to be able to jump in right away. Okay? Most of the ocs won't be able to get in until most of the titans "dissapear".

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: some of distracted by a friends little sister running through the house yelling "SASUKE-KUN?!"

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: Noooooooooooo. *coughs*Redfist*cough*

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: hmmm...very well...*thinks about a earthling pyro*

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: Did you read the rules?

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: yesh.

2007-03-17 [Dark Shiva]: And are your aware that you won't be able to jump riht in right away? Well... if you play one of the Titans then you can ^_^

2007-03-17 [Hiro Kitaki]: well which ones are open? ^^^

2007-10-07 [Dark Shiva]: Hey people ^^ I noticed that this rp had been deadish (as well as confusing >.>) so here's the plan. If most of you (hopfully all of you) are willing to start this over, we can make it start of with introductions of the chars depending if they are evil and what not, then make our way to the action and so forth. But I need to make sure that people are wiling to help out and be pationt. If so we can make this one of the better rps out there! So...are you guys willing?

2007-10-08 [Lord_Guac]: *Makes Peace sign* YO all!

2007-10-08 [Dark Shiva]: Hello my freind and helper! *glomps*

2007-10-08 [Lord_Guac]: *gets glomped* Hello!

2007-10-08 [Dark Shiva]: With you help this place is bound to be reived in no time!

2007-10-08 [Lord_Guac]: WHoo!

2007-10-08 [Dark Shiva]: Hey you think you can make a list of the villans and message it to me? ^^

2007-10-08 [Lord_Guac]: Hmmm... IT could take a while, but sure!

2007-10-08 [Dark Shiva]: Thankies!

2007-10-08 [Piercedskull]: myuu?

2007-10-08 [Lord_Guac]: Hi skull

2007-10-08 [Piercedskull]: ^^

2007-10-09 [Lord_Guac]: Howzit?

2007-10-09 [Piercedskull]: boringT.T

2007-10-09 [Dark Shiva]: Patience. Just plotting out how to star the rp off...

2007-10-09 [Piercedskull]: myuu

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: crap...wanted an oc...oh well lol ^_^

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: Well you could make a redfist one, but we really need ppl to play dah badguys ^^'

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: I kno! ^_^ Im gonna have one good and bad, I have them figured out to! Ones gonna use ice, the other will use water, or fire, or electricity...havent decided but the evil will use ice

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: Ummm the redfist are BAD >_> They'll the racial group the captured most of the titans remeber? *points up at plot* and if you'll make a redfist char he'll have to be an altared humen. And then you'll have to tell how they got their powers. The page for them will explaine more so ^^'

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: ok....umm altered as in physically? Or just as in genetic testing and thats how they got their power?

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: it can be pysically or geneticly. A good examble would be like spider man. He was genecticly altared when a redoactive spider bit him. And Captain America was pysically altered to be an ultimate super solder. Get it?

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: yea! ^_^

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: good ^_^

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: lolcrap...I dont know if I have time to make one

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: Well then just pick a main char badguy to play then

2007-10-24 [Araglas]: ok ^_^

2007-10-24 [Dark Shiva]: ^^

2007-11-08 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Just tell me when the Redfist gang enters or the heroes, okay? XP I'm getting so confused on what happens otherwise ^^'

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